Zarejestruj się jako Partner

Państwa konto musi zostać zatwierdzone przed otrzymaniem poleceń. Po zatwierdzeniu zostaną Państwo powiadomieni e-mailem.

Why would you like to partner with us? How will you promote Switch products?

Daj nam znać trochę o sobie i o tym, jak planujesz promować nasze produkty.

Do you own a Switch product?

Are you a sports professional?

If yes, what brands are you sponsored by? (optional)

Are you a certified instructor?

If yes, what is your sports instructors association membership number, Association name and country? (optional)

Insert association name, country and membership number.

Additional Info (optional)

We offer different levels of discounts, free gear, and other benefits based on your ability to promote us. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?


Pana/Pani imię.


Pana/Pani nazwisko.

Konto e-mail

Państwa główny adres e-mail, używany do logowania.


Państwa podstawowe hasło używane do logowania.

Instagram Profile Link

Well use this to verify your identityand get an idea of your audience.

TikTok Profile Link

Well use this to verify your identityand get an idea of your audience.

YouTube Channel Link

Well use this to verify your identityand get an idea of your audience.

Website / Blog Link

Well use this to verify your identityand get an idea of your audience.

Payment Details

Bank account number, owner name and adress

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